Direct Selling

Human Design for Network and Affiliate Marketers

This post contains affiliate links. As an associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.

UPDATED as of March 11th, 2024. Limited time 10% off code, see below for details!

As a child of the 1970’s, I recollect Mom hosting glamorous Lottie the Avon Lady. As a six year old, those house calls were a delight, likely due to the odds of being gifted one or two sample lipsticks. They were tiny, had a cap that snapped on, and inside was a perfectly chiselled luminous block of colour!

Did you have an Avon Lady visit your house?

The reason I’m bringing it up, is that it’s a throwback to a time when MLM, or multi-level marketing was common and beloved.

The MLM business model as we know it today originated in the United States. There’s debate over which company was the first ever network marketing organization. The California Perfume Company (now known as Avon) claims to have been the first to set up multi-level marketing in 1886.

Back in the 1990’s there was an influx of MLM start-ups vying for the limelight. I got involved in some as friends shared their enthusiasm for newfound products. There were concerns that all Multi-level marketing were Pyramid schemes, which unfortunately, has tainted the MLM with a bad name. It couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, MLM’s are legal whereas Pyramid selling is not, and the two are very different entities. You can read this article for a better understanding on the differences.

Recently I was introduce into the amazing world of frequency medicine, where science meets spirituality using Tesla inspired technology. I’ve been using the Healy frequency devices since August 2023. For those open to the technology, I’ve been sharing the science (with friends, family and clients).

One client commented: “Family dynamics have changed in the positive since I started using my device! I haven’t made any other adjustments to my life and didn’t even know I needed our family dynamics to change but as I’m watching it happen, I’m quite in awe and it seems magical! It’s actually quite amazing.”

When a product or device resonates with us, the Network Marketing organizations present opportunity to share with others and everyone benefits in the process. Typically like-minded people will sense the authenticity and recognize a familiarity and have a natural innate understanding to jump on board.

Years ago when I first started writing this blog, a reader commented, “one beetle recognizes another”. The phrase being unfamiliar, it took me a second to decipher the words behind the meaning.

Aithníonn ciaraóg ciaraóg eile”
It’s a simple Irish seanfhocal (an inspirational proverb) that literally translates to “a beetle recognizes another beetle”, meaning “it takes one to know one”.

There is such a variety of products and services being offered through direct selling, not only by the traditional face-to-face approach but online and via home parties. “In a recent study, 42% of distributors quoted social media as their top channel for orders, with social selling parties increasingly taking place via Facebook Live and Skype. On average, U.K. direct sellers reported monthly earnings of £379.95, with the majority (63%) of direct sellers having another job alongside their direct selling business.” (1)
Today it’s a highly regulated industry, the main industry body Direct Selling Association (DSA) “works to see direct selling universally recognized and respected as one of the finest methods of marketing to consumers”. The DSA represents nearly 130 industry members in the USA. There is a Global Partner connecting worldwide Direct Sellers all having to adhere to a strict code of conduct.

In my micro-current/frequency business, we have an incredible community of like-minded people who are excited about helping people to help themselves. If you’re familiar with Human Design you’ll love what I’m about to share. Especially, because nowadays, it seems like everyone is participating in affiliate or referral programs, also known as direct selling. Almost everyone has become an influencer and companies have taken note.

I recently read the most unique and interesting book written specifically for Network Marketers and Human Design!

I learned that because I have an open Head/Crown
It means that my strongest selling points are my creativity and resourcefulness.
And I will easily get lost and distracted when I overthink or feel pressured.

Ever wondered why some things work for others and not for you in your Network Marketing Business?

I started learning about Human Design and loved it… Then I started learning how to apply it to my network marketing business. 😮 

I recently downloaded and read @humandesignfornetworkmarketers book ‘Profitable Alignment. Harness your Blueprint’  and It blew my mind and spun me off into a whole new understanding of myself in my business and WHY I don’t have the exact results I want and how to get them. 

I learned that my open centers are the parts of my energy that are the most prone to conditioning, but also how to use that wisdom to make money.
I learned that my secret weapon is my ability to turn leaky energy into an actual selling point AND that I have to learn to be inspired and not get trapped in the fear of thinking that others know what is correct for me.
I learned about my open emotional solar plexus and how when I am emotionally charged, that I leak energy. I also learned that a great question to ask myself was “how can I create supportive boundaries for my energy?” to help me alchemize the places where my focus is stuck.
I learned that people respond to my energy when I own the magic of my open centers, because THAT’S. HOW. MY. ENERGY. WORKS.

⬆️⬆️ These insights are 🔥 🔥 and every single marketer/ writer/ business person would benefit from knowing about this. Every single blueprint is different when we balance these open centers business comes to you.
I feel so clear in my direction after reading the book, and can’t wait to apply these strategies.

If you’ve read this far, I’ve got a limited time 10% off coupon code that you can use for the 8 week course. Keep reading! Because maybe you’re curious about how you too can align your energy and your business for profitability??

One of my favourite things about this book, is that you feel as a Network Marketer that it was written just for you!! 

If you love this concept, there is now an 8 week course which I’ve had the opportunity to be one of the first enrolled. It’s been an in-depth study featuring live zoom calls with Arihia and Korynn. Additionally, weekly homework including tasks to align our energetics to our business etc., and unique embodiment practices crafted and shared from our talented and seasoned instructors.

If your instincts are nudging you to take the plunge, the cart is only open from March 7-14th! Here’s the link that will take you directly to the cart for the 8 week course: Human Design for Network Marketers.

Leave a comment below that you want the 10% off code and I’ll message you because you won’t find this discount anywhere else at the moment! Cart is only open til March 14th!

New to Human Design and want to learn more? Start with the FREE Human Design Calculator to get your profile.

➡️ This is new.
➡️ This is HOT!
➡️ You’re welcome

(1) The History and Evolution of Network Marketing

(2) What is the difference between MLM (Multi-level Marketing) and Pyramid selling (or Pyramid Schemes).

Image: Avon sample lipsticks no copyright infringement is intended.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. As an associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. Click here to read my policy.