Co-Create Health Plan

Health Coaching

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Now fifty-two years old, for nearly two decades I experienced chronic illness due to CIRS. I have experienced chronic fatigue and understand the challenges restoring health.

After giving birth to my two kids, my health started to falter but I pushed through. Within six years of pushing through and getting nowhere with traditional allopathic practitioners I started to try anything alternative to get to the root cause of this mysterious illness. It would be twelve years before I connected with a Functional Medicine doctor who was able to diagnose and then offer targeted treatments. The first year of recovery was awful but soon a little progress here and there started to take shape.

The Universe played a big part in conspiring to help me return to health. I was listening and saw the signs, and as the messages and opportunities for growth presented themselves I leapt.

I met Deepak Chopra and subsequently studied and became a Chopra Certified Instructor of Primordial Sound Meditation in 2022. I went to live on Maui, HI for five weeks to further revive my health with sunshine, ocean, movement, meditation and clean healthy food. Upon returning home I improved my diet by initially following a Carnivore Diet, then graduated to an Animal-based, low-oxalate, high-nutrient-dense diet.

Meditation, Heart Math and DNRS played pivotal roles in helping me to heal, just enough that I was able to get back that spark to study what I love most, physical movement.

My illness triggered over fifteen years of horrible peri-menopausal symptoms. After four years of ‘menopause’, a regular menstrual cycle returned just shy of age fifty-two, which I believe is a testament of my body’s ability to heal itself.

In April 2023, though still struggling with chronic fatigue, I was drawn to further my understanding of bio-mechanics, becoming Human Foundations Certified in the Functional Patterns program in 2023. 

My background is as Personal Trainer, Fitness/Spin/Yoga Instructor and former Pilates & Gyrotonic Studio owner. I competed in Fitness Pageants in the 1990’s and won title of Ms. Fitness Canada. 

As my body and brain were coming back “on-line” I felt inspired to help others navigate the challenging terrain of recovering from chronic illness, especially the chronic fatigue part, which is so incredibly debilitating, disheartening and very misunderstood. I became a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach in 2023. I have a special interest in helping clients recover their health from CIRS and chronic fatigue and enthusiastically welcome anyone who has a strong desire to help themselves reach any health goal. 

I specialize in nutrient dense animal-based high-protein nutrition, low-oxalate education, lifestyle, sleep hygiene, wellness, mental, emotional, spiritual well-being, physical movement and frequency energy healing.

What Is Functional Medicine Health Coaching?
Essentially a Functional Medicine Health Coach is a Life Coach and Wellness Coach combined. Trained in all the same skills as Life and Wellness Coaches and additionally thoroughly trained in supporting root cause medicine taught to Functional Medicine Doctors through IFM (the Institute for Functional Medicine). This unique type of coaching addresses the modifiable lifestyle factors that contribute to physical and emotional health. We guide clients and co-create personalized plans by applying the principles of Functional Medicine, Positive Psychology, and Mind-Body Medicine.

What Can I Expect?
Health Coaching is about personal growth. It’s about growth that can enable people to be healthy and well. The coaching relationship is one of professional ally. As partners and facilitators, coaches help clients achieve goals and behavioural change based on the client’s own goals that are consistent with treatment plans as prescribed by that individual’s professional healthcare provider. The “expert” Practitioner provides WHAT the client needs to do versus Coaches who provide the HOW TO. Through discussion and active listening, the coach is able to get a clear understanding on what the client is presently willing and capable of modifying in their lifestyle, in an effort to work toward their goals and those prescribed by their healthcare provider. The client is the expert of their own life and through collaboration the coach helps to co-create realistic and achievable goals. A well-trained coach removes the ‘expert hat’ never telling the client what to do, rather we help to break down goals into manageable successful steps.

Tapping into my training with positive behaviour modification, I can help clients do what they want to do. Let’s figure out what your vision for optimal health is and co-create a realistic plan to help you achieve it.

Ready to work on your health goals? Want more information?

I invite you to schedule a FREE 20 minute ‘Discovery Call’.

Book your Discovery Call now!

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Testimonials –What People Are Saying…

“Kat quickly helped me bring together and evaluate disparate health advice. We started by optimizing diet, exercise, and mindset based on her functional practice experience. I experienced rapid powerful healing with the understanding it will ebb and flow as it improves. I learned to focus, so I can make health commitments. Kat’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Kat empowers me to find my new best performance every day. Not to mention, her knowledge is next level. I have moved from a negative mood of weight loss “need” to a positive vibe for energy production for “living as a self-healer.” I highly recommend working with Kat and I can’t wait to glance back in the future with a smile.”

-Stephanie S.