“Micro Breaks” Stretches

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Here is the Micro Breaks Stretch video demonstration from Mark Finch & Associates.

This little routine of stretches is ideal for individuals who spend a lot of static time at a work station, i.e., in front of a computer typing, painters, illustrators, etc.  In the video, Mark explains the need for these Micro Breaks.  Be sure to watch the video with the volume turned on.

Learn this routine.  It is very short.  There are four exercises/ stretches, which should be repeated 4-5 times each.  In all the four exercises/ stretches take no longer than 30 seconds.  Your body will thank you for these Micro Breaks.  Set a reminder timer to chime on the hour, for example.  Stay seated for the first two exercises/ stretches and then stand up for the last two.

It’s very simple yet very effective.  Your body and brain will feel refreshed.  Try it for a week and watch your productivity go through the roof along with your body alignment improving and a reduction in aches & pains.

Leave a comment and share with others how these Micro Breaks are working their way into your office time.  Maybe you can be the one to introduce these Micro Breaks to your entire company and get them done on the hour?…


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